The Site
Dear friends! Welcome to our site.
Our world is full of questions and miracles, and for millennia the best thinkers in the world have been trying to unravel their nature and pass it on to their descendants. Our civilization is developing through theories and experiments, errors and inspirations. The constant movement of thought, insatiable curiosity and thirst for knowledge have developed the scientific thought to reveal the truth, and this is despite pressure, ostracism, deliberate suppression and distortion of the truth, persecution and even a direct threat to life from the opponents of progress (often for their own benefit – of course, it is much easier to manage ignorant people…). Many basic ideas that once were considered as “eternal” axioms, over time lost their value, and vice versa, what was once considered fabulous is now ordinary and routine. Very soon many facts that are today considered illogical and irrational, will be understood; but for that, we need to abandon the concepts of “pseudoscience” and look again on these matters from another angle.
The site is devoted to popular science and objective analysis of various interesting questions, facts, observations and phenomena, which cannot be explained without a consideration of both physical and irrational reasons. Together with our site’s visitors, we are going to study everything that was fairly included into the golden fund of scientific and cultural achievements of our civilization; that have served for and inspired for millennia generations of thinkers and scientists, and helped them to create and progress. A special attention will be given to the investigations which have been undeservedly forgotten or rejected only because their results have lacked a rational explanation. Our group of scientists will not only consider the proposed topic from the modern scientific knowledge point of view. We will also try to rise an objective discussion about the most unusual and fantastic assumptions, trying to find a reasonable and logical scientific explanation in each. A very special role is given to our readers – we ask you to take an active part in the discussion, express your opinions, assumptions and hypotheses.
Our site is not a place for incontrovertible authorities, for scientific or religious fanatics – we are absolutely interested in all opinions and hypotheses!!!
Our site is a site of dialogue where everyone may express his own point of view, in order to construct a common harmonious puzzle together. We are all different – realists, skeptics, idealists, romantics, and that is a reason why any individual opinion is priceless and may enrich others. We are not here for a “who is right or wrong” or “who is smarter” dispute, but in order to complement the view of others with a new, non-standard, and unexpected idea.
We want to warn: Our site and forums are not a boxing ring. If someone tries to use our site for self-promotion, intellectual pressure or insulting the opinions of others, his/her personal account will be immediately banned.
Our experts, as well as visitors of the page, are eager to learn something new, look at each fact in a non-standard and new way, and come closer to understanding of the truth. Their opinions express their personal, subjective views, and serve as a primer for further discussion
Can medical conditions be treated by the power of thought? Why did the dinosaurs disappear? Why does a primitive African tribe have outstanding knowledge in astronomy? Is Baba Yaga actually a guide between the worlds? Why is biohacking dangerous? Let’s think, analyze, fantasize, share knowledge, guess and test together!
The Team
Leonid Livshits

Dr. Leonid Livshits holds PhD in Molecular Biophysics from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Dr. Livshits is highly experienced in the fields of molecular biochemistry and biophysics of blood.
Ester Livshits

Dr. Ester Livshits obtained her PhD at Theoretical Chemistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her scientific interest and expertise are ab-initio quantum chemistry methods. Dr. Livshits is an excellent scientific researcher and has pivotal contributions in more than 10 scientific papers published in leading international scientific journals.
Dmitri Burshtyn

Dmitri Burshtyn holds M.Sc. in Theoretical Physics from Hebrew University of Jerusalem with speciality in Supersymmetric Quantum Field Theory and String Theory. Work for many years in microelectronics industry with wide experience in applied physics, metrology, material science and modern technologies.
Inna Freikman

Dr. Inna Freikman holds PhD in Pharmacology from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her scientific interest is oxidation processes in cell membranes. Dr. Freikman is a licensed pharmacist and holds a Qualified Person position in one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in Israel.
Samyon Ristov

Samyon Ristov is an experienced System Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the field of industrial IoT. Skilled in Communication Networks and Protocols, Embedded Systems and Cloud Computing. Strong information technology professional with a M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.