Plato once said, “If, like fishes who now and then put their heads out of the water, we could rise to the top of the atmosphere,Read More
Science for the curious. Popular science for people who love riddles, mysteries, culture and non-standard thinking
Plato once said, “If, like fishes who now and then put their heads out of the water, we could rise to the top of the atmosphere,Read More
Here is a known riddle: See above a picture of nine dots. Now, connect the dots by drawing four straight, continuous lines that pass throughRead More
Can we perceive a world with more than three dimensions (or more than four, if we count “time” as another dimension)? Perhaps. Maybe not at the moment, but could it be possible inRead More
Our imagination can take as to the furthest lands, and what can be further than other or higher dimensions? The problem with traveling to higherRead More
Do we use only 10% of our brain? Many of us heard of it, and the answer is: From a biological point of view, probablyRead More
There is something unique about Alice and her mesmerizing adventures in Wonderland – something special that catches our eyes. Otherwise, how do you explain theRead More
In 1999, Tony Hawk, one of the most known and influential skateboarders of all time, attempted to do the impossible: The 900. A 2½-revolution (900Read More
During a normal day in the lab, while lots of research equipment occupied the room and the computers were full of various experimental data, theRead More
It was a boring class and my concentration started to drift. I tried to stay awake, staring at anything I could to keep my eyesRead More
People who study science and engineering discover at some point the idea of dimensions. Not parallel dimensions, although that a fascinating (and absolutely scientific!) topicRead More