Good day, dear Take in Mind readers! Being “amazed” by (that’s right, in quotes) the absurdity of another instance of prioritization of the social overRead More
Science for the curious. Popular science for people who love riddles, mysteries, culture and non-standard thinking
Good day, dear Take in Mind readers! Being “amazed” by (that’s right, in quotes) the absurdity of another instance of prioritization of the social overRead More
Good day, dear Take in Mind readers! I don’t want to sound pathetically cliche, but it’s undeniable that nature is unmatchable when it comes toRead More
We’ve all heard such rumors or stories. They are usually of an old woman, who lives in a small village and possesses unique healing abilities,Read More
According to the myth, in 1770 Captain Cook asked the natives in Queensland, Australia, for the name of the strange, big, jumping animal. Their replyRead More
Good day, dear Take in Mind readers! It is a paradox or, on the contrary, quite logical, that a huge number of quotes, aphorisms, andRead More
“Tricky customer, eh? Not to worry, we’ll find the perfect match here somewhere — I wonder, now — yes, why not — unusual combination —Read More
Good day, dear Take in Mind visitors! Today I want to talk about a very interesting and burning topic: Can a blood transfusion prolong lifeRead More
The best deed of a great man is to forgive and forget. Nahjul Balagha, Saying 201 Where there is forgiveness, there is God Himself. AdiRead More
Good day, dear Take in Mind readers! Don’t be confused by the title of this post: It’s not about alien visitors or Shrek the Ogre,Read More
Good day, our dear readers! One of my good friends, Davide C. Cocco, is a very talented composer who recently participated in the Westworld ScoringRead More