Good day, dear “Take in Mind” readers! Is the heat of July got you, but air conditioning and cold watermelon are not enough? Why notRead More
Science for the curious. Popular science for people who love riddles, mysteries, culture and non-standard thinking
Good day, dear “Take in Mind” readers! Is the heat of July got you, but air conditioning and cold watermelon are not enough? Why notRead More
Good day, dear Take in Mind readers! Let’s dream a bit… You are miraculously transported to, let’s say, South America. After long, boring, and veryRead More
Good day, dear Take in Mind readers! I must admit that my preparations for this article took me almost twice as much time as itRead More
Good day, dear Take in Mind readers! When we created our site, one of the main ideas was our wish to objectively discuss any hypothesisRead More
Good day, dear Take in Mind readers! As humanity plunges deeper into the boundless expanses of scientific knowledge, the knowledge becomes specialized more and more.Read More
Friday the 13th, what an unlucky day. You can feel it, right? The shadows grow longer, the trees creak and moan in the wind, andRead More
Good day, dear Take in Mind readers! The topic of today’s post is the Ig Nobel Prize… Makes you smile? Laugh, maybe? Indeed, thanks toRead More
Plato once said, “If, like fishes who now and then put their heads out of the water, we could rise to the top of the atmosphere,Read More
Good day, dear Take in Mind readers! If we go outside and ask a random person about the relation between religion and science, then, mostRead More
Good day, dear Take in Mind readers! As a starting point, let us share with you a story that happened on June 19, 528 AD,Read More