Wuhan Coronavirus: Facts and Recommendations

Good day, our dear readers! Today I want to discuss with you and with our experts the most pressing topic of the last month – the global wide spreading epidemy of the 2019-nCoV Coronavirus (2019 novel coronavirus), also known as Wuhan Coronavirus or Wuhan seafood market pneumonia virus.

Here are some basic facts about the virus and its infection:

  1. The virus is a single-stranded RNA Coronavirus. It was first identified in 2019.
  2. Many of the first infected patients are related to the market of Wuhan city, where seafood and animals are sold. For this reason, scientists suggest that Coronavirus had mutated in the body of an animal and further infected humans.
  3. In January 2020, the first human to human transmission of the new Coronavirus was confirmed in the Chinese province of Guangdong.
  4. Updated on February 3, the total number of infected subjects is almost 17,000 people. Unfortunately, 362 deaths has been already reported.
  5. This Coronavirus has been officially detected in patients in 25 countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized the Coronavirus epidemic as a global emergency.
  6. It is not yet clear how the viral transmission between humans occurs, and what its pathogenesis and symptoms are. However, it is assumed that it may be transmitted by airborne droplets with close contact (closer than 2 meters).
  7. For the moment, no specific medical treatment is existed.

Dear experts, have I forgotten something? And, of course, the main question for you and our readers is when will this horror end? What are the possible scenarios for the virus to spread and what other dangers and risks are ahead of us?

Leonid Livshits: Firstly, I want to add some more facts about 2019-nCoV.

The Coronavirus-family is the largest among all RNA viruses. Coronavirus can infect humans and many different animal species, including swine, cattle, horses, camels, cats, dogs, rodents, birds, bats, rabbits, ferrets, mink, snake, and other wildlife animals. Many Coronavirus infections have a severe clinical manifestations; thus the severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) can cause severe respiratory diseases in humans. The SARS-CoV first emerged in China in 2002 and then spread to 37 countries/regions causing a global outbreak with almost 10% mortality rate.

The urgent study of Chinese researchers (Wei Ji, Wei Wang, Xiaofang Zhao, Junjie Zai, and Xingguang Li. “Homologous recombination within the spike glycoprotein of the newly identified coronavirus may boost cross-species transmission from snake to human.” Journal of Medical Virology; Published Online: January 22, 2020 (DOI: 10.1002/jmv.25682) showed that the Wuhan’s Coronavirus is highly distinctive to SARS-CoV. Most probably, the 2019-nCoV is a recombinant virus between the bat Coronavirus and an origin-unknown Coronavirus.

Moreover, the scientists suggest that snake is the most probable wildlife animal reservoir for the Wuhan’s virus and, most probably the virus is transmitted to human from snakes. The main suspicious types are the Chinese krait and the Chinese cobra. Reports indicate that snakes were sold in the local seafood market in Wuhan, raising the possibility that the 2019-nCoV might have jumped from the host species, bats to snakes (the snakes often hunt for bats in wild) and then to humans at the beginning of this coronavirus outbreak. So, dear gourmands, who prefer these exotic meats- please put attention and be careful…

Now a few words about a spread of infection. Unfortunately, what is happening now can be described in two words: “global panic”. According to optimistic and at the same time contradictory reports from the press (with an obligatory reference to opinions of doctors and scientists), it seems that no one knows what is the real picture of the virus’ spreading rate and how to fight against it. Therefore, this is a very ungrateful business now to make forecasts. Therefore, for us, ordinary inhabitants, it remains to adhere to hygiene as much as possible and to strengthen immunity by either conventional or “grandmother’s” methods.

And most importantly, do not succumb to panic and do not run away screaming from any tourist from the Far Eastern countries (even from those who are masked).

Finally, few words about side effects. I do not want to be a seer, but human anger may turn to the Chinese krait and the Chinese cobra, and, in general, to the whole suborder Serpentes. This sharp decrease in snake number would lead to disruption of the ecological balance and an increase in the number of animals, who are the natural sources of nutrition of snakes, among which there are numerous host species of many dangerous diseases. Therefore, this ecological crisis can threaten with such biological disasters, compared with which the 2019-nCoV coronavirus will be just an easy sneeze!

So, my conclusion: do not panic, eat vitamins and be healthy!

Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash.

Inna Freikman: Of course, panic brings no benefits at all, however, following  simple hygiene and prevention rules may help to reduce the risk of any viral infection.

So what can we do in order not to get infected?

Wash your hands after visiting public places or public transport, touching door handles, money, shared objects in the workplace, before eating and preparing food. It is especially important to thoroughly soap (at least 20 seconds) and dry your hands. It is better to avoid automatic drying machines – disposable paper towels are much better.

After returning home, you can rinse or irrigate the nasal passages with isotonic saline.

The viral pathogens enters the body through the mucous membranes, so if you need to touch your face or eyes, do it with washed hands only.

When you are in a crowded place, you should prefer smooth hairstyles, since loose hair often comes in contact with the face and increases the risk of infection.

Essential oils are extremely effective fighters against viruses, they disinfect the entire surrounding space, destroying viruses in the air and preventing the spread of infection. This is especially helpful if you need to disinfect the room of ill person. You can use special diffusers or a regular spray bottle to clean the air in the room. Essential oils are effective even if you just breathe over an open bottle, or rub a few drops on your wrists.

According to resent studies, the essential oils of bergamot, eucalyptus, peppermint and tea tree are undisputed leaders and kill the virus in about 10 minutes. Lemon, lavender or geranium oils cope with this task in about half an hour.

Many people believe that taking high doses of vitamin C can prevent or even cure a major infection. This is not entirely true. Vitamin C in large doses only slightly reduces the duration of the disease. Therefore, it is not worthy counting on ascorbic acid to put you on your feet.

Of course, it does not mean that vitamin C is useless in a viral disease: during the illness, body consumes ascorbic acid faster; therefore it is necessary to regularly replenish its reserves.

And finally, outside physical activity, healthy nutrition and sleep will surely make your body less attractive for viral (and not only viral) infections. No doubt, attention and care for your own body will bring much more benefits than endless reading of panic news.

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