Fables of Leonardo Da Vinci – Part V

The Stone & the Steel

One day a flint stone struck by the steel turned upon it, surprised and indignant, and said:

“What’s the matter with you? You must have taken me for someone else, because I do not know you. Let me alone, for I have never done any harm to anybody!”

The steel looked at the stone, then smiled and answered: “If you will have a little patience, you will see what marvelous fruit I can bring forth from you.”

At these words the flint was comforted, and bore with great patience the blows which the steel inflicted upon it. At last, very suddenly, there flashed forth a spark which lit a marvelous fire, with the power to do wonderful things.

Moral: Do not begin your studies unwillingly, be patient and persistent for you will see marvelous results.

The Stream

A mountain stream, forgetting that it owed its water to the rain and little brooks, decided to swell until it became as big as a river.

So it began to dash itself violently against its banks, noisily tearing away soil and stones in order to widen its bed.

But when the rains stopped, the waters shrank. The poor stream found itself caught among the stones it had torn from its banks, and was forced with much labour to hew itself a new path down into the valley.

Moral: He who wants too much gets nothing.

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